this is jon freel

Jon is a seasoned brand marketing and communications professional with a career spanning over two decades. With an unwavering passion for storytelling, Jon has consistently delivered awe-inspiring experiences for renowned companies. Having worked with prestigious organizations such as Lucasfilm and Mattel, He has honed his skills in crafting narratives that captivate audiences worldwide. During his tenure at Lucasfilm, Jon had the extraordinary privilege of bringing the enchanting worlds of Star Wars, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Indiana Jones to life in the digital realm. By skillfully expanding upon Lucasfilm's storytelling efforts, he immersed fans in epic adventures and fostered a deep connection between the audience and the beloved franchises.
Behind the camera.
After a decade of shaping iconic stories in the realm of blockbuster entertainment, Jon embarked on a new chapter, shifting his focus to a more localized approach. Joining the vibrant team at Looking Glass Photographic Arts, a distinguished destination camera and photography lifestyle company nestled in Berkeley, Jon delved into the craft of photography with fervor. Here, he not only jumped into the intricacies of the photography community at large, but also discovered the profound impact of photography on culture, human connection, and social change.
Today, with Epic Photo Escapes, Jon strives to ignite the imagination of photographers and inspire them to explore the world through the curiosity and wonder of their own lenses.